3.6 The Flow in Scrum
We already showed you the flow in the figure of the scrum framework in chapter one, but to give you another view of how scrum works, please have a look at this way to explain the scrum framework:
First, the company plans WHAT they need (product backlog), and what the delivery expectation is over time (release plan). In agile, this is living document with changes being made all the time. This is one of the big advantages compared to the waterfall method as agile adapts to changes much more easily.
The software products are built in sprints (normally 2-4 weeks fixed time). The sprint starts with two planning sessions to define what goes into the sprint – the WHAT meeting and the HOW meeting. Sprint planning meeting is a combination of these two meetings. In the WHAT meeting, the development team commits to the user stories from the scrum product backlog. In the HOW meeting, the team breaks the user stories into smaller and concrete tasks. Next, the coding, testing, documentation, etc, begins.
During the sprint a short daily scrum meeting is held to update the status of the items and to help self-organization of the team.
After the sprint, a sprint review meeting is held giving the scrum product owner time to check if all of the committed user stories are complete and implemented correctly. A sprint retrospective meeting is conducted to check and improve the project work processes – what was done well during the sprint, what should continue as it is, and what should be improved.
Velocity is a measure of the amount of work a team can tackle during a single sprint and is the key metric in scrum. Velocity is calculated at the end of the sprint by totalling the points for all fully completed user stories.