Hi, I’m Steen Lerche Jensen, the founder of www.scrum.as. My story might not be unique, but it is a story about many people.
I think I can say that I was lucky to be born in Denmark in 1966. I had the opportunity to live a life in freedom in a place where nobody is very poor and where education is for everybody, boys and girls, rich and poor. Everybody in Denmark have same rights and same opportunities.
Later in my working career, I have also been quite lucky to work in many countries, and for some of the biggest companies in the world. I have been working in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, England, Ireland, Holland, Switzerland, and Australia, just to mention some of them. The companies include IBM, Lloydsbank, Baclaysbank, Rabobank, Danskebank, Nordea, SEB, Goverment of Australia, DONG, Statoil, and many more.
Early on, I was involved in agile project management, which I found so interesting, and wanted to learn and learn, so I did. In addition, I was deeply involved in software testing, and have been part of the huge testing organization ISTQB for many years. For me, huge educational organizations are “monsters” who claim to be nonprofit companies, but, nonetheless, huge amounts of money are on stake, and the hierarchy within the organizations is built to protect a small group of people.
I felt restless, I could see that I was lucky having all the opportunities, I could afford schools and certification programs, and I was passionate about learning.. BUT, all over the world there are people who also want to learn, who do not have the same lucky background but still a strong yearning for learning. Why should it be so unfair, why is it so expensive to learn about agile, scrum, kanban etc? I simply could not understand it. There are some Kings and Queens in the agile world, but I decided to stand up against them all. Why? Because this will change the corporate world and lead the way to a happy and effective work environment everywhere. And maybe a worldwide free education program will contribute a little bit to a safer and more understanding world.
As a result, in 2014, I started www.scrum.as – a 100% free education program. It was time to give something back for all I had learned and all the experience I had gained over many years. It feels good, and I hope many out there will join me on this journey. Together we can build new courses, helping each other to learn and live. This is for everybody in the world.
Our creditability on the market grows every day and the more people who like the idea about free education for every human on this planet join us, the more trust scrum.as will get. Many companies are awakening in the light of our unique concept.
I cannot do all of this alone, of course, so I need bloggers, I need content writers for new courses, and I need people who share our vision on social media. Then, I hope, we can reach out to men and women all over the world, and give them agile education for free.
www.scrum.as is my contribution and gratitude for a lucky life.
Steen Lerche Jensen
Founder of scrum.as
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