Become a VIP, take all the exams for free and download all the certifications (International Kanban Master Foundation, International Scrum Master Foundation, International Product Owner Foundation, International Agile Test Foundation, International Test Process Advanced (ITPA) and of course all the Awareness certs).
Our SCRUM VIP Membership is simple.
PRICE: USD 99.00
DevOps is an important part for IT organizations to be able to deliver faster with higher quality. DevOps is partly a technical journey, but also a cultural change. Passing the exam shows that you have a very good overview of the technical DevOps area and understanding of the need for continuously improvement of the Continuous Delivery Pipeline.
To prepare for this exam we suggest that you read some of the many DEVOPS books available.
PRICE: USD 59.00
Kanban is a visual system for managing work as it moves through a process. Kanban visualizes both the process (the workflow) and the actual work passing through that process. The goal of Kanban is to identify potential bottlenecks in your process and fix them so work can flow through it cost-effectively at an optimal speed or throughput.
In this course and exam you learn and prove your skills to become International Kanban Master
PRICE: USD 59.00
Kanban é uma estrutura visual usada para lidar com o trabalho enquanto se move através de um processo. Conceitua e visualiza o processo (fluxo de trabalho) e a tarefa necessária para executá-lo. O objetivo do Kanban envolve detectar e corrigir possíveis gargalos, tornando o fluxo de trabalho rentável com um ritmo ou taxa de transferência ideais.
PRICE: USD 59.00
Scrum is used in all kinds of software development: for developing complete software packages, for developing only some parts of bigger systems, for customer or internal projects.
The Scrum Master is a key player in Scrum and facilitate the methods.
In this course and exam you learn and prove your skills to become International Scrum MasterPRICE: USD 59.00
PRICE: USD 59.00
This course is the foundation course to become a professional Product Owner.
The Product Owner represents the interests of the Stakeholder community towards the Scrum Team. The Product Owner is responsible for ensuring clear communication of product or service functionality requirements to the Scrum Team, defining Acceptance Criteria, and ensuring those criteria are met.PRICE: USD 59.00
Agile Tester is for professionals who are working within Agile environments. It is also for professionals who are planning to start implementing Agile methods in the near future, or are working within companies that plan to do so, The certification provides an advantage for those who would like to know the required Agile activities, roles, methods, and methodologies specific to their role.
This is for Developers, Testers, Users and ManagersPRICE: USD 59.00
This course is an advanced course to in deep understands the test processes in ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 international standard.
The ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 Software Testing is an internationally agreed set of standards for software testing that can be used within any software development life cycle or organization. By implementing these standards, you will be adopting the only internationally-recognized and agreed standards for software testing.
PRICE: USD 59.00
PRINCE2 helps successfully deliver projects of any size or complexity. Built from a wealth of experience and knowledge, PRINCE2 provides the essentials for managing any project. This is not the official certification, but an awareness certification showing that you know the fundamentals of the Price 2 method, and it can also be useful for people who already have the Prince 2 certification to show that their skill level is still up to date.
To prepare for this exam we suggest that you read some of the many Prince 2 books available.
PRICE: USD 29.00
The International Scrum Team Member Awareness exam and diploma is for everybody who work on an agile team. Not everybody needs Scrum Master skills, but everybody needs to know the basic rules and values. Of course, you can read the free scrum master course from our academy that will give you all the knowledge you need to pass this exam. Ask all your team members to take the exam then you know the team have a basic common agile understanding.
PRICE: USD 29.00
IREB - Requirements Engineering. This exam will prove your knowledge of Requirements Engineering. It will show that you understand which documentation is needed, requirements verification & validation processes and the management of requirement throughout the full life cycle. This is not the official IREB certification, but an awareness certification showing that you know the fundamentals of Requirements Engineering.
To prepare for this exam we suggest that you read some of the many IREB books available, and download the IREB Syllabus
PRICE: USD 29.00
ITIL. This exam will prove your knowledge of fundamentals in ITIL. It will show that you have a general awareness of the key elements, concepts, and terminology used in the ITIL® service lifecycle. It also allows you to understand the links between lifecycle stages, the processes and their contribution to service management practices. This is not the official ITIL certification, but an awareness certification showing that you know the fundamentals.
To prepare for this exam we suggest that you read some of the many ITIL books available.
PRICE: USD 29.00
ISTQB. This exam will prove your knowledge of fundamentals in ISTQB. It will show that you have a general awareness of the basics of software testing: Fundamentals of Testing, Testing throughout the software development life cycle, Static testing, Test design techniques, Test management and Tool support for testing. This is not the official ISTQB certification, but an awareness certification showing that you know the fundamentals.
To prepare for this exam we suggest that you read some of the many ISTQB books available. Also, download the ISTQB Syllabus Foundation level
PRICE: USD 29.00
PMP. This exam will prove your knowledge of the fundamentals of PMP. It will show that you have a general awareness of the basics of PMP: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, Closing. This is not the official PMP certification, but an awareness certification showing that you know the fundamentals.
To prepare for this exam we suggest that you read some of the many PMP books available. Also, download the PMP Handbook
PRICE: USD 29.00
This exam proves that you are familiarise with the structure and topic areas of the current European Data Protection - GDPR. The diploma will add value to your CV if you are working within IT development in Europe or for European IT companies. To prepare for this exam please read the free available material about GDPR on the web, as examples:
PRICE: USD 29.00
Understand the fundamentals of Blockchain and Bitcoin and its history. Trusted transactions using Blockchain technology are part of a fast moving industry that will hit most industries. Managers, business analysts, developers will all use or develop the Blockchain technology. Passing this exam shows that you know the fundamentals of this revolutionary technology.
To prepare for this exam we suggest that you read some of the many Blockchain and Bitcoin books available.
PRICE: USD 59.00
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